Welcome to UGC!

About UGC

United Gaming Community (UGC) is a Discord community where we host private and public gaming servers, for all members to enjoy and have fun on!

UGC has been in operation since January of 2021 and already has over 200 friends you can meet!

UGC offers a myriad of fun events and contests with engaging prizes!

Discord Rules

1. Respect Staff's Warnings (If you think your punishment was unjust, don't argue, just report it with @Ticket System, Arguing doesn't solve problems).

2. Keep Images and Messages in the Appropriate Channels, (No Memes in looking-to-play for example).

3. Do not DM or ping Staff unless for an emergency. Any ideas, reporting members/staff can happen with @Ticket System (Note only @Admin 's will see them).

4. Do not attempt to ping @everyone or @here, These are turned off but we will still punish you if you attempt to use them.

5. Keep language PG13, (No racial slurs, sexist comments, or homophobic comments).

6. Keep arguments out of UGC, Staff will direct you to take it to DM's.

7. Keep your behavior appropriate, Discord is a 13+ program, act like it, this includes, spamming, harassment, random pings, ect.

8. Rules are subject to change over time, if you are unsure of a rule, contact @Ticket System.